Sometimes there are developments that cannot be published for security reasons, policies or because these developments are not made for Internet / Cloud.
Here I share some of them
Contpaqi migration to COIThis migration is very similar to doing a DATAWARE HOUSE, since to move from one system to another you have to take data from several tables and even formulate information from one system in order to generate data that meets the requirements that are accepted in the other.
The Contpaqi and the COI share a basic accounting structure, and each one has its distinctive extras or services, therefore, there is not a 100% migration, however, this does not make it non-functional.
At the beginning, it is important to comment that each system uses a different database engine:
Contpaqi : MSSQL COI : FirebirdSQL
Therefore, for the migration analysis it is recommended to use MS EXCEL, since it allows to formulate and manipulate the data of both systems.
What needs to be migrated from Contpaqi to COI is the following:
Contpaqi It has a table where it tells us how many Periods (Exercises) are registered in the system and in each system table it integrates that information to process the operations.
COI It has a table where it indicates how many periods are registered.
Contpaqi It has a table where it tells us how many currencies are registered in the system.
COI It has a table indicating how many coins are registered in the system.
Contpaqi It has a table where it indicates the history of the exchange rates for each currency used in the system.
COI It has a table where it indicates the history of exchange rates for each currency used in the system.
Contpaqi It has several tables with information on the number of accounts, type of account, description, Tax Assignment of SAT Keys, Balances.
COI It has a table where it indicates the information on the number of accounts, type of account, description, Fiscal Assignment of SAT Keys, the system generates a table per fiscal year.
Contpaqi It has a table with the information of the catalog of fiscal keys of the SAT.
COI It has a table where it indicates the information of the catalog of fiscal keys of the SAT.
Contpaqi It has a table with the information that groups the accounts based on the information they wish to present, either in the form of personalized reports or financial statements.
COI It has a table where it indicates the information that groups the accounts based on the information they wish to present, either in the form of personalized reports or financial statements, which in this system are already preconfigured, therefore, the migrated catalog must be adjusted so that the financial statement reports are reliable.
Contpaqi It has a table where it indicates the types of policies that are used.
COI It has a table indicating the types of policies that are used.
Contpaqi It has a table where it indicates the type of policies, date, description, period, exercise.
COI It has a table where it indicates the type of policies, date, description, period, exercise, the system generates a table per exercise.
Contpaqi It has the tables where they indicate the movements of each policy, the related accounts, their concept (must, have), their amounts.
COI It has a table indicating the movements of each policy, the related accounts, their concept (debit, credit), their amounts, the system generates a table per year.
These tables or the result of the same, is not for migration but to validate the results of the operations that will be described later. Contpaqi It has a table where it indicates the balances of each account based on the concepts of Debit, Credit, Balance, by type of currency, by period and fiscal year.
COI It has a table where it indicates the balances of each account based on the concepts of Debit, Credit, Balance, by type of currency, the system generates a table by fiscal year.
It is important to validate the Balances month by month, only in this way can we guarantee that the migration has been successful or detect possible posting errors.
In the end, the Catalog of Items is Loaded and Adjusted, in case of adjustment, to have the consensus that the accounts make up each Item, and that in turn the Financial Statement reports are 100% reliable. |
(ON_LINE) | https://www.gilbertogutierrezrojas…crm |
CRM comes from the acronym Customer Relationship Management. “CRM is a business strategy aimed at understanding, anticipating and responding to the needs of current and potential customers of a company in order to grow the value of the relationship.” We share the version of SUGAR CRM CE 6.5, which is customized to be used with ASPEL SAE data such as Invoice, Invoice Date, Products, Line. If you want to know a little more about CRM I share 2 presentations:
Both give an introduction to the CRM philosophy, both systems are presented, being Microsoft‘s under license and SUGAR‘s open source (Free Software).
The system is functional (in spanish)with example data, if you want to enter, fill out the following form to assign yourself a username and password