What is shown here are those works or developments that are online or that have been published.
PUBLISHED (ONLINE) | https://technicsblockconstruction.com/ |
Developed page Technics Block Construction
This page is designed to present the different LEGO-based construction models, which are shown step by step as they are assembled / developed and published on specific dates. Has social media accounts (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and X) |
PUBLISHED (ONLINE) | https://www.selketelectronicband.com/ |
Page developed for Selket Electronic Band
This page is designed to share the material of the amateur electronic music band Selket Electronic Band. Has social media accounts (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and X) |
PUBLISHED (ONLINE) | https://www.vreditorasonline.com.mx/ |
Page developed for VR EDITORAS, S.A. de C.V. This page is designed for Ecommerce, since the followers of said publisher can already make their purchases online and be aware of new publications.It was configured to be able to receive payments via card (debit, credit) and convenience store.This same concept was transferred to its supplier sites in México and Argentina.México https://www.portalvr.com.mx/Argentinahttps://www.portalvyr.com/ |
PUBLISHED (ONLINE) | http://www.usher.com.mx |
Page developed for OSADO FOODS S.A de CV, owner of the USHER brand, it is the current version.
This page is based on a presentation of the line and advertising products that the company manages, being the same simple and directed to the mentioned products. The photos of some products were developed by a server, as well as the design work in the images used, you can see more details of those works in Design. |
PUBLISHED (ONLINE) | https://www.momentumoptimum.com/ |
In this project we have contributed experience to develop a platform that unifies the concepts of training, education, development and sale of products and services.
Project supported by Organization of American States (OAS). |
(2009 – 2013) Design, Development and Maintenance of the 2009 WEB page under FrameWorks concept), modeling of the 3D images of it, the animations are created in Motools, and the content of the same is based on information from the MySql database, a concept similar to that used by WordPress and Joomla.
3D modeling is done in 3DMax, using the labels and packaging developed in Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. |
1056/5000 The Official Magazine page was programmed, designed and developed, the list was developed under the concept of Frameworks, using PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, keeping a design line of Forum / Blog, with column publication, editorial structure, history of publications (PDF), biography and contact with columnists, as well as search for columns by subject, columnist, date, etc.The page has an entry for columnists and administrators, allowing them to upload their columns, reply and filter the comments they make.The magazine “lives” on a budget allocating, today they only have the addresses on facebook and twitter: https://www.facebook.com/revistapandecta https://twitter.com/revistapandecta The one we present is the endorsement of the first stage of the page. |
In 2009, ERCUS developed the CandySense concept in society, which sought to introduce the concept of advertising candy in the U.S.A. This page was developed in Adobe Flash, PHP, JavaScript and MySQL, with a sample of the products in 3D with a 360-degree view, so that the client appreciates the area that the product has for advertising.
Today the society does not prosper and the page that is presented is based on the original project ( http://candysense.com ). The one we present is the endorsement of the page. |
Development (Programming and Design) of your WEB page, developed under the concept of Frameworks, using PHP, JavaScript and MySQL.
This page shows the multiple services that the company offered, through a description of the same. What we show here is the back of the page. |
292/5000 This proposal was made for the design company OVEC ESTUDIO GRAFICO, the proposal is based on animations created from a template in Adobe Illustrator, which was sectioned and individual “frames” were created in GIF format.Today they have their contact page on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/ovec.estudio?fref=ts |
DEMO | MKO 1 |
This proposal was for the newly created MKO company, which is dedicated to audio production services.
The visual design proposal was accentuating the audio issue, and sectioning in services, portfolios and contact. The proposal was not published due to budget issues. This is option 1. |
DEMO | MKO 2 |
This proposal was for the newly created MKO company, which is dedicated to audio production services.
The visual design proposal was accentuating the audio issue, and sectioning in services, portfolios and contact. The proposal was not published due to budget issues. This is option 2. |